View Profile Imperial-hellkite
Hey, remember the time that you stopped reading peoples profiles and did something creative?

Age 34, Male


La Chataigneraie

Switzerland, VD

Joined on 6/30/03

Exp Points:
924 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.18 votes
Town Watch
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Looking good dude!


looks good... just dont go overboard with the tweens, i hope you dont.

I'll try not to :c

Thinking Of a Name, What's the In-Depth of it? Any Plot? or just Mainstream Killing?

Killing randomly until he gets to the sheriff, then there is a flashback about how the sheriff bullied him whilst he was baby hank.

(Broke his dolly or something)

Awsome, a ''flashback'' i never seen that before :P

Great! I hope people will like the new idea..

Man Your Right, that Is a hard one. :l

Maybe I'll call it Madness Childhood or something :s

I'm also making a madness movie, but its alot different from yours good luck, and I can't help you with a name.

Thanks! Tell me when yours comes out, I'll vote or review it!

Looks legit man ;)
For a name try "Internecion"
it means -Mutual slaughter or destruction

Whoa, nice name :)
Btw good job finding that "Most horrible story thing", puts you in Toms good books!

Seriously, why?
You know your flash is terrible, so you name it sonething that will catch peoples attention so it will get more views.

The only thing it'll do is get voted 0 lots of times and will be blammed within the hour. It might have passed, a few guys would have derived some cheap laughs from it and voted a 3, but no. Since you made it ANOTHER madness flash it WILL be blammed.

Smart move...

My flash isn't terrible, the drawings are bad. But Madness is easy to draw so I'll get good scores, my last madness flash was short and it got 3.35 which is better than most of your flash's.

So don't come blabbing on to other people about how their flashes suck, they to make your own flashes worthwhile


Imperial-hellkite: Batting Average of 2.39
Sidorio: Batting Average of 3.83


dude what did I ever do to you?
You come here, critisize my flash and insult me, how about fucking off?


You've failed to understand that my original flash was a joke. Then you failed to spot how I was joking when I left my first comment on your news page. I copied and pasted your exact comment. Had I done that to any other (non-retarded) user, they would have spotted it in a second.

"You know your flash is terrible, so you name it sonething that will catch peoples attention so it will get more views."

Hilarious. Really, I'm rolling on the floor here

Like I said, I copied and pasted your exact message.

What are you talking about??

Fucking spazz

Looks like I'll have to put this into fucking spazz terms.

1. I submit the 'Water Lollies' flash to piss people off because I like to annoy retards.

2. You get your knickers in a twist after you fail to see I was joking.

3. You leave a hateful message on my user page.

4. I see the hateful message and decide to copy and paste it onto your user page since that's the kind of thing that happens all the time on the BBS, which is really the only reason I come to Newgrounds.

5. You fail to spot the obvious copy and paste and get angreh.

6. You insult the flash I actually tried hard on.

7. I prove to you that my flash have better scores etc than yours and you get all emo. Again.

8. We insult each other some more, climaxing in you calling me a fucking spazz since you don't understand what I'm saying.

9. I make a list of everything that happened up to this point. You're currently reading it.

10. You insult me some more. (This hasn't happened yet, but we all know it's coming.)

And that my friend, is the story of what happened when Sidorio misled a few people. Also known as the day Imperial-hellkite didn't see the joke.

I don't even go on the BBS because I actually have a life.

I prefer to spend time OUTSIDE (yes! It's still there!) with friends than post comments on subjects that don't matter that people won't actually see or read or make flash that is useless in every way, is not funny, well done, drawn or even in sync with any sounds at all.

And that, my friend, is the story of how I like to spend my evenings whilst you're at home bathing in the soft, soothing glow of your screen

This may shock and amaze you, but using forums doesn't actually destroy ones social life. Had you actually got one, I'm sure you could have figured that one out.

Also, what downloaded pre-made programme are you using to make your madness flash?

It's called MX Flash Professional, but I don't expect you to know much about that

I use Flash Version Eight.
The thing is, that looks just like a programme that you can download from Newgrounds.

no, no. It's because I have a Macintosh, so the flash layout is different from the layout of flash on a PC

<a href="<a href="http://sidorio.newgrounds.com/">http://sidorio.newgrounds.com/</a>">I love you.</a>

banned fag

you and that picture are so amazingly awesome its not even funny....

Ooo thanks!

<3 /love

So you like madness combat aswell COOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I luurrrrve madness combat, number 4 is my fav so far

Ooh, a Madness movie... Maybe the name oughta be Madness Vengeance assuming that the name isn't taken... By seeing what you said on one of the comments there, I deduce that he will kill the sheriff for vengeance. Plain and simple.

About the moves, I suggest making the moves as "actiony" as possible. I know I don't know Flash, but I just want to suggest some things like this. Maybe try and make the main character do a backflip or a barrel roll or something... Well, good luck anyways... Even though I don't know you, I'm rooting for you. I suggest trying to improve on how the sword goes through the henchman instead of overlapping it, though.

Oh, and I highly doubt that this will be related to the last madness movie you made. Also, may I ask as to the progress of the movie? I'm curious...

I'm so glad you're taking such an interest in it! But no, the two madness movies I've made won't be related, that marriage one was just a silly short I did :p

The flash already has two rooms animated, and I'm going for maybe 5 or 6, so it's about 20% done. That barrel roll idea is good though! I can have a cliché slow motion bit where he has two shotguns or something jumping through the air...

If you want, I can send you the unfinished .swf? You don't need flash to open it, you can open it using the internet